(Part 2) How To Break The 100 Barrier And Beyond!

Traffic, Traffic, Traffic...

Welcome to part 2 of how your church can break the 100 barrier and beyond…

There are two simple things that must be in place in order for your church to break 100:

1) The Core Team

2) Traffic

Yesterday we talked about the Core Team.

Today we’ll discuss traffic.

Did you know most churches would grow by simply bringing in more guests every Sunday? The vast majority of churches have a good Sunday experience and simply need to bring in more traffic!

Over the past five years I've worked with over 2000 churches, helping them bring in more guests every Sunday by using simple 30 second invite videos. That same strategy helped our church grow from 29 people to over 1000 in the past few years.

Of course, God is the one that brings the growth!

But I think if He can use a donkey to speak to Balaam then he can use a simple social media invite to reach people He loves!

Can I get an amen from the people in the back?

Thing is, you need to bring in more people through the front door than those that walk out the back.

And the average attrition rate for churches is 20%!

So, if you’re not at least replacing those people you won’t grow.

OK, let’s wrap this up.

Remember the 2 things you need to break 100 for good…

1) A Core Team

2) Traffic

Want to start bringing in guests every Sunday?

And make it really hard to ignore your church in your community?

I’ve put the exact step by step process into a simple course:

God bless,

Pastor Jake

PS - Want hands on coaching and ALL my courses about church growth and leadership? Visit https://uplevelleader.com/ and use code MOMENTUM to save 50%.