The "Surge"

THIS Leads To Growth

There’s an interesting phenomenon that always happens right around Easter.

What I call, "The Surge."

We typically see a 10%-20% increase in attendance 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after Easter.

And it makes total sense.

Because those are the exact times we run invite ads.

It's a real facepalm moment for me.

Because I encourage running ads to invite people to church and we do it but...

Not as consistently or aggressively as we should.

Thing is, people WILL come to church if you invite them.

It's as simple as that.

Of course our mission isn't to increase attendance.

We're here to make disciples.

But many times that journey starts with a visit.

So let's talk about Easter.

I've partnered with a great Facebook marketer (Andy Meza) to create the best Facebook training for Easter available.

It's a super simple guide that walks you through step by step how to create a Facebook ad for your church this Easter.

It's the perfect way to invite more people and make a great impact.

Because there's not much time until Easter I convinced Andy to let me slash the price so its accessible and affordable.

We want to get this into as many hands as possible!

I made a quick video with Andy to walk through everything that's included.


Pastor Jake