Kickstarting Discipleship

Don't Ignore It...


It's the most important thing to focus on as a pastor.

Apart from programs, conferences, facilities, finances, and even volunteers...

Discipleship is the key to growth and mission impact.

But discipleship is often misunderstood.

Because when most believers hear the word they think about Christians sitting in a circle studying the Bible.

Don't get me wrong...

That's part of it.

But real, New Testament discipleship...

What Jesus meant when He said, "Go into all the world and make disciples..."

It looked more like what we'd call evangelism!

Because the command to "go" was given to a small group believers and they were sent into a world that had never heard the gospel.

That's why I 100% agree with pastor Steve Murrel who says, "Discipleship and evangelism are Siamese twins."

They go together.

There's no discipleship without proclaiming the Gospel and leading people to Jesus.

And one of the best ways I've found to get the word out and reach people is using simple, low-cost Facebook ads.

They can be used to invite people to church or share a message of hope!

I've had the privilege to help over 1500 churches around the world discover this powerful tool of evangelism and discipleship.

And I get emails all the time telling me how it brings people in the doors.

Can't wait to hear you story of reaching more people and making disciples.

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake