Kickstarting Church Growth

How We Grew From 20 to 1,000

We planted Joy Church in March of 2016 without much money or many people.

We had 29 folks (including kids) at our first service in our living room.

All we had was passion and vision!

We were desperate to reach people and to grow. 

My very first sermon was about reaching our city. That's how we were born! It wasn't long after that God put the “RAD Plan” in my heart. It comes from Acts 2 and it became our core ministry philosophy.

We prayed, we served, we reached people, and we GREW!


At our first Easter we had 60 people and only two years later we had over 700 people...

50 people gave their lives to Jesus that day.

Then last year over 1500 people came to Joy Church on Easter!

From 2016 to now our church has grown to 1,000+ in attendance with hundreds of servant leaders on the Dream Team…

But it all started with a clear ministry philosophy and a God-given strategy that can work for you as well!

It’s a simple 3 step strategy that ANY and EVERY church can use to reach more people and grow.

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Kickstarting Kingdom Growth,

Pastor Jake