The Incredible Power Of Invisible Influence

And How It Can Help Your Church Grow...

Want to know how to reach way more people for Christ?

Without creating any extra content?

Check this out.

I call it "The Invisible Influence" strategy and it works like crazy on Facebook.

We'll get to it in just a minute but first...

Here's where I got the idea.

Recently I spent a bunch of time with an Australian friend...

And of course, what a cool accent!

But as you may know...they have different expressions.

So, there I was in a church staff meeting and I said without even thinking, "How ya going?"*

*please say that out loud in a thick aussie accent!

Everyone just kind of looked at me blankly.

Then I realized what happened.

I'd inadvertently turned Aussie for a brief moment.

Instead of saying, "How are you doing?" like a good American.

I'd unconsciously used the Australian phrase. "How ya going?"

How and why?

Because of invisible influence.

I'd been spending so much time listening to that accent and those expressions that it soaked in...

Interesting huh?

Here's how it works.

Time and exposure to content creates an invisible influence that builds up over time.

You don't even recognize how much until you're suddenly blurting out phrases you've never said before!

Now apply that to outreach and evangelism...

We take sermon clips, short-simple church invites, and other content, and keep a steady stream running out into our community on Facebook for pennies on the dollar.

Facebook shows these videos to thousands of people.

A few seconds here...a minute there.

Always building up invisible influence.


We send a well-crafted invite ad out to all the people who've been watching the videos...

And the power of invisible influence takes hold.

People respond.

We get first time guests to our services (and online services now) every single week without fail.

If your church has struggled to gain influence and make an impact this can work for you.

It's the power of invisible influence.

And I teach how to run these ads in my simple step by step course: The Facebook Invitation System.

But heads up...I'll be adding new content to the course very soon and the price is going up.

But you can still get access at the currently discounted price for a little while longer.

Talking like an Aussie,

Pastor Jake