How to invite people to church with Facebook


Here's the Facebook ad invite strategy we've used for years...

It’s brought in thousands of guests and continues to work to this day.

It's super simple and I'll share it with you in just a moment.

But first, let's talk about what doesn't work.

Most of the Facebook ads training for churches I've come across make a HUGE mistake...

Overcomplicating it.

Most Facebook ads people are marketers and they turned to the church and said, "Oh hey, this could work here too!"

They're not wrong and probably have good intentions...

But starting from a marketing mindset with ads for churches is the wrong place to start.

I'm not a marketer (at least I wasn't when I started).

I'm a local church pastor.

And I don't care about all the fancy bells and whistles and techno wizardry.

I just want something that works.

So when I put together a system for using ads to invite people to church I did it simply.

And it's all based on this formula:

Frequency + saturation = response.

More invites to more people.

Nothing fancy.

Just a consistent stream of friendly invites.

Sand meet ocean.

Peanut butter meet jelly.

This works on the west coast, the east coast, in the Midwest, in the UK, in the land down under, and anywhere else the Holy Spirit is working on people. In other words, yes, it will work in your area too.

Of course, there are some best practices and you'll need to know how to actually create and launch the ad. But anyone can do it.

And I can't wait to hear how God uses this at your church to reach more people!

Making it simple,

- Pastor Jake