How To Handle Mean Comments And Trolls


I get this question a lot...

"How do you deal with the negative comments and people trolling on your comments when you run ads for Easter or church?"

It's a great question.

And like any challenge also presents an opportunity.

First thing first...

If you run invite ads for a big day or all the time like I encourage right here you're going to get some hurtful, mean, and even hateful comments.

That's the nature of life and especially the internet.

But it doesn't mean you shouldn't do it!

That's like a fishermen who doesn't try to catch fish because he doesn't want to clean them!

The good comes with some bad.

So how do you deal with them?

Over the years we've found 2 ways.

#1 We hide them.

This is the fastest and easiest way to deal with negative comments.

And most of the time it's the right way!

Most mean comments don't invite constructive conversation.

And flys love manure!

So we just hide mean, filthy, or hateful comments 90% of the time.

#2 We respond.

This requires more time and skill.

But every once and awhile someone will comment in a way that isn't really mean or hateful but rather an open door.

So we respond in a loving way and invite further dialogue in the message section (not the comments).

Typically in this scenario it's someone who had a negative experience with church or simply doesn't understand the true gospel.

I've gone to coffee with two professed Atheists and shared Christ using this method!

Well, those are the two ways we deal with negative comments.

Nothing fancy but hopefully it helps!

Now let's talk about Easter.

I've partnered with a great Facebook marketer (Andy Meza) to create the best Facebook training for Easter available.

It's a super simple guide that walks you through step by step how to create a Facebook ad for your church this Easter.

It's the perfect way to invite more people and make a great impact.

Because there's not much time until Easter I convinced Andy to let me slash the price so its accessible and affordable.

We want to get this into as many hands as possible!

I made a quick video with Andy to walk through everything that's included.


Pastor Jake