How To Break The 100 Barrier And Beyond!

Constructing The Core

In this email I’ll share with you exactly how your church can break the 100 barrier and beyond…

But first did you know 80% of churches worldwide are under 100?


But of course God wants to see more people saved and discipled.

So, whether your vision is to see your local congregation increase or just grow so you can plant more churches let’s dive in!

There are two simple things that must be in place in order for your church to break 100.

1) The Core Team

2) Traffic

First, the core team.

I can’t overstate the importance of building a core team for your church.

For every member of your core team you should see about 10 attenders/members in the church.

So building a core team is definitely leading with leverage!

A core team is a group of committed and gifted individuals who share your vision and mission and who work together to support and advance your ministry. A core team can help you in many ways, such as:

  • Providing feedback, advice, and encouragement to you as a leader

  • Sharing the workload and responsibilities of the ministry

  • Enhancing the communication and collaboration among the staff and the congregation

  • Increasing the productivity and effectiveness of the ministry

  • Developing new skills and talents for the ministry

  • Creating a culture of trust, respect, and unity in the church

I use a simple framework for recruiting and developing the core team.

It’s called the Four Loves.

Do they?… 1) Love Jesus (passion for the Lord) , 2) Love Me (Loyal and connected), 3) Love Each Other (love of God for brothers and sisters), 4) Love The Mission (care about the lost, the harvest, servant spirit).

If the foundation of those 4 things is in them we can develop them into a great leader!

I firmly believe the seeds of your harvest of growth are ALREADY in your church.

But how do you build a core team? Here are some steps that you can follow:

  • Pray and ask God to guide you and to show you who He wants to be part of your core team. Who’s “hanging around” the work of the ministry? Who is pursuing a deeper relationship with you?

  • Identify the key roles and functions that you need for your core team, such as administration, finance, worship, outreach, discipleship, etc. But even more important look for relationship connection.

  • Look for people who have the passion, the gifts, and the character that match the roles and functions that you need.

  • Invite them to join your core team and explain to them the vision, the mission, and the expectations of the team. Practice hospitality and relational discipleship with them. Model what it means to be a disciple maker.

  • Train them and equip them with the necessary tools and resources for their roles and functions. Equip and empower. Train and release!

  • Meet regularly with them to plan, to review, and to celebrate the progress and the achievements of the ministry. We did a weekly “leadership” meeting at our home for 2 years while building our core team.

  • Appreciate them and acknowledge their contributions and efforts. Celebration creates culture!

Hope that helps!

Want to break 100?

Build a CORE team of 10-15 people and watch what happens.

Tomorrow we’ll look at step 2: Traffic!

God bless,

Pastor Jake

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