
For Church Growth

I've been coaching pastors for over 6 years and had the honor to work with several hundred directly…

A common thing I see is discouragement.

As a local church pastor myself I 100% get it!

Ministry can be a tough and often thankless job.

Sure, the highs are high…but the lows are really low.

And even when things are going relatively well it's exhausting.

Can I get an amen?

One of the most discouraging things pastors face is a lack of church growth.

Of course, your self worth and value isn't based on how many people show up on Sunday.

We don't believe that for a second.

But every pastor worth their salt wants to see people saved and added to the church.

Jesus told us to make disciples, right?!

And that's what I love to help you achieve.

The reality is that your city is FILLED with people who WILL visit your church if invited.

Most churches are simply lacking the strategies they need to succeed.

That's why I'm so excited about our low-cost resource: "20 Ways To Grow Your Church."

Every pastor that has gone through this content has found at least 1 idea they can use to reach more people and grow.

And I'm making it available for 90% off right now.

It's FULL of content that will enrich, encourage, and challenge you.

It's the perfect time to GROW as a leader...and to invest in yourself...

Have a great day,

Pastor Jake