Church Growth Now

Yes, Right Now!

Today I want to share how your church can begin to grow now…

Right now!

We know patience is a virtue…

But sometimes we need a shot in the arm…

A dose of encouragement and motivation…

So that’s what you get today!

It’s got 20 “right now” strategies for seeing a rapid boost in attendance and impact.

Things you can implement…you guessed it…RIGHT NOW!

And right now it’s 90% off.

Just $20.

But it won’t be available long for that price…

Because I’ve learned something over the years of coaching pastors and church leaders…

If you don’t invest you don’t benefit.

I used to give more stuff away…

And I still do from time to time…

But pastors just wouldn’t get the same results!

Because it’s human nature to undervalue that which we don’t invest in.

Thus, there’s a very small barrier to entry.

About the price of lunch for two people…

But make no mistake…

The content inside this course is FAR MORE valuable than the paltry price tag.

It will give you immediately actionable strategies for growth…

And encouragement that you can break whatever growth barrier you’re facing!

Talk soon,

Pastor Jake